Joining, Attunement & Kinesthetic Empathy
I Unit: Kinesthetic Empathy Theme: Joining, Attunement & Kinesthetic Empathy Introduction Within the context of Dance/Movement Therapy, joining someone is to become linked or connected to that person in movement. On the other hand, attunement is the reactiveness we have to another person . It is the process by which we form relationships. Dr. Dan Siegel, clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and executive director of the Mindsight Institute , explains, "When we attune with others we allow our own internal state to shift, to come to resonate with the inner world of another. Finally, kinesthetic empathy, a key interdisciplinary concept in our understanding of social interaction across creative and cultural practices, describes the ability to experience empathy merely by observing the movements of another human being. II Check In III Learning Objectives Understand the meaning of joining Explain the importance of attune...