
Showing posts from April, 2023

Presentations / Mary White House Authentic Movement

 I   Check In   II    PRESENTATIONS     Group 2 Autism   Gabriella Novo, Isabel Rodriguez, Absara Anugola, Harlond Beverly     Group 3   Schizophrenia   Melissa Callard, Andrea Caballero, Kristen Sacca, Rachel Schlow     III Mary Whitehouse Video                                            Watch Video 1 (2 min.)   Question 1 After watching the video above, reflect on Mary Whitehouse's comment on the "concentration and involvement" of her students in "expressing their feelings."      ----------------------------------------------------------- IV    A uthentic Movement Session     A uthentic Movement session with  Laurienne Singer and student Elaine (Elle) Smith Question 2 Write a reflection about this authentic movement session.  -----------------------------------------------------------    

Self Reflective Essay / Rubric

   I   Self Reflective Essay is equivalent to the following items in your syllabus   Group Leading                            10% Individuation                                10% Vocabulary Quiz 2                       10%   II Write a short reflective essay about your experience with the course.   Paragraph 1 Write your takeaways from the course by using the words listed below. Please, put emphasis on using your own words, through whatever you remember (do not find information outside your own recollections). Put emphasis also on being as succinct as possible. You can also write about your own takeaways independently from the words listed. You do not have to refer to all the concepts listed, you can just refer to those you remember or are more familiar with. Dancing images  Personal metaphors Body-ego Technique Schema  Body-Cathexis Rhythm drumming Innermost fantasy Movement integration  In-depth exploration  Insight-oriented improvisation. Paragraph 2 Write about how y

Hero's Journey / Positive Psychology / Presentations

  I   Unit: Positive Psychology Them: Hero's Journey   Introduction   Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living, focusing on both individual and societal well-being. It studies "positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive aims to improve quality of life.   The  Hero's Journey  is a classic story structure that's shared by stories worldwide. Coined by American   professor of literature Joseph Campbell (1904 - 1987) the Hero's Journey illustrates how life can be seen as a transformational process. For this reason, anything that happens in one's life, even if negative, can be viewed as part of learning and making sense.     II   Learning Objectives  Understand the Hero's Journey  Explain the different stages of the Hero's Journey Gain an awareness of the importance of one's own journey Experience the creation of one's own individual journey  III Check In